The void is cold, but not lonely.

A science fiction western anthology audio drama about people in space
making lives for themselves & their communities.

Episodes air on the 1st and 3rd Friday of the month

About the Show

Humanity has left its home on earth, but hasn't quite reached the stars. And life on barren asteroids of the belt, on the volatile moons of Jupiter, on the frozen chunks of ice floating out nowhere in particular... well, it's not easy. But then again, neither is life down in the deep gravity wells, where people are getting on getting by under the thumb of governments that don't care and corporations that do care, but only on what they can exploit.But people are people everywhere.A Mercurian cricket farmer. Two vacuum cowboys on the Saturnian Asteroid Drive. A space pirate with steel-reinforced bones & the strength of a forklift. A household stranded on an asteroid-sized garbage dump. A fleet of refugees-turned mutineers-turned family.People. Just trying to get by.They band together. They form connections. Communities. Families. They help each other and lean on each other. Love each other. And they make life work somehow. And maybe sometimes they find a way to fight back. But mostly they're just people living their little stories against the endless beauty of an indifferent starry sky.

Breathing Space is an anthology Science Fiction Western audio drama, telling small, personal stories of people living in a near-future Sol System, written by a variety of authors in a shared, and collaboratively built universe.Click here for more information about the cast and crew.Episodes air on the first and third Friday of the month.

If you would like to financially support the show, you can do so by joining our Patreon.

Star map of the Sol System with labeled planets, stations, & asteroids, made by the Curiosity Station Discovery Museum


And transcripts

Season 4

Fragile Futures

Releasing on1st and 3rd Friday of the Month

[S04E01] Seed Money

Written by Ash Seguinte
Edited by Erik Seguinte
Transcribed by Aaron Kling

Relax. I am absolutely certain that this mission will play out with no more than the usual amount of unexpected complications and risks.A mostly-reformed, totally-not-at-all-actually-criminal duo connect with a pair of active law-breakers to pull off a bank robbery. The plan comes off with about as much success as one might expect.Read the script here.The Cast
Bridger is voiced by Vic Collins
Mik is voiced by M. German
Gasto is voiced by Corvyn Appleby
Anse is voiced by Quill Turner
Avitus is voiced by Sam Stark
Osvalda is voiced by Emma Laslett
Gerst Carell is voiced by Interiority
Villaverde Markey is voiced by Saph the Something

[S04E02] At an All Time Low

The Spaces In Between, part 1

Written & Edited by Jordan W. Anderson
Transcribed by Rebecca Kraus

Let me tell you a story. A story of a man in his 20s entering the corporate workforce. Barely getting the job on his merits, he had to prove himself by working long hours, saying “yes” to everything, making coffee, getting food, if you can name some grunt work, he did it.A chance encounter in a New New Vegas bar becomes the first in a series of small-but-significant conversations that gradually change the course of a man's life.Read the script here.The CastAnton Proctor is voiced by Jordan W. Anderson
Grant is voiced by SJ Ryker
Barfly is voiced by Rachel Scully
Preston Jorgenson is voiced by Thomas Flemming
The Family Member is voiced by Elise "Atlas" Chien

[S04E03] In Better Light

Written by Mel Nichols
Edited by Sam Stark
Transcribed by John Kennard

You're Crutchfield and Molina? I was sent by a mutual acquaintance to tell you your debt has come due.Following the events on board the Cerulean Cloud, Crutchfield and Molina sought out a quiet life. But that didn’t come for free--a Caller lands on their doorstep to tell them that their debt has come due. A charity ship carrying valuable supplies needs quick work to be given a new identity and reach its destination safely. It just so happens to be captained by someone from their past. Someone they know is already dead.The Cast
Crutchfield is voiced by Sam Stark
Molina is voiced by Mel Nichols
Sister Andromeda is voiced by Rebecca Krause
Carlile is voiced by Scott Paladin
Val is voiced by Michael E. Fremantle
Phig is voiced by Jerry Harris
Georgie is voiced by Maddie Cooper
Rex is voiced by John Kennard
Brother Argyre is voiced by Interiority

[S04E04] : Do You Notice I’m Gone

The Spaces In Between, part 2

Written by Jordan W. Anderson
Edited by Amy Young
Transcribed by Kirsty Woolven

Feelings are valid. The problem is if you let them control you. One can’t move through life with only them leading the way... It’s about balancing them with logic. Life’s formula isn’t solved with only one or the other. We’re a sum of our experiences.Another bar, another meeting, this time with a Peregrination captain who has some regrets of his own.Read the script here.The Cast
Anton Proctor is voiced by Jordan W. Anderson
Ivanhoe Iveskin is voiced by Quill Turner
Hoss is voiced by Duke Stuggs
Cassandra "Cassie" Proctor is voiced by Madi Opincaru

[S04E05] My Lower Back Seems to Disagree

The Spaces In Between, part 3

Written & Edited by Jordan W. AndersonTranscribed by MJ Lu

Deflect all you want, but you know there’s nothing good about living in the past. Things change. People change. Sometimes it’s good, but not always.A stint working as a skinner at Delaney Shipyards pushes Anton into considering what responsibility to others really means, and just how important names (and nicknames) can be.Read the script here.The Cast
Anton Proctor is voiced by Jordan W. Anderson
George “Pony” Cheval is voiced by Jesse Hall
Verner “Step-Off” Gil is voiced by Ryan Astheimer
Delia “Balloon” Feelan is voiced by Lafayette Uttarapong
Heck is voiced by Amy Young
Cat is voiced by Ella Watts

[S04E06] The Gospel of Judah

Written by Kasha Mika
Edited by Sam Stark
Transcribed by Cass Scott

Just about three years, I been in this place. Long years, but fruitful. I'm a Caller, see, name's Brother Judah...I was Called here. Lotta folk cryin' out fer help. Fer salvation, of any kind they could get.Three years ago, Brother Judah entered Diatoma Penitentiary of their own volition, Called to help people there. Now the Call is telling them it’s time to leave. But Judah has found fellowship with the inhabitants of Midvalley Dome, and they mean to take their friends with them.Read the script here.The Cast
Dr. Maron Settleschild is voiced by Ari Ingalls
Brother Judah is voiced by Kale Brown
Darya Ivanova is voiced by Aubrey Akers
Rapid Egress is voiced by Hera Alexander
Rainie is voiced by Oz Stark
Felix leGris is voiced by Max Newland
Hotshot is voiced by Rachel Scully
Old Hand is voiced by Jeremy Tucker
Junior is voiced by Adam Steven Halecki
Deadlight 1 is voiced by Emma Laslett
Deadlight 2 is voiced by Taylor Michaels

[S04E07] Always a Reason for the Pain

The Spaces In Between, part 4

Written by Jordan W. Anderson
Edited by Amy Young
Transcribed by Mike Freemantle

Our personalities are the culmination of every experience we’ve gone through. How we were raised. Who we associate with. What we’ve learned. Number of times we fail. The way we love. We get in our own way at every step.When the System hands you ice, make ice cream. Anton gets a lot of conversation, and a little advice alongside some of Mars' best desserts (as seen on Delta-Vee Dining.)Read the script here.The Cast
Anton Proctor is voiced by Jordan W. Anderson
BF is voiced by Jerry Harris
Pawnbroker is voiced by Lafayette Uttarapong
Cassandra "Cassie" Proctor is voiced by Madi Opincaru

[S04E08] This Thing of Ours

Written by SJ Ryker
Edited by Sam Stark

Alright, From what I read up on this place, this passkey should get us through all the checkpoints pretty easy. And it’ll let us escort our jailbird friend out. If we lay low and keep our hands off the trigger? We might just make it.There’s someone being held inside the Diatoma Multijurisdictional Detention Complex. Someone important. Someone who could make or break the future of the Lunar Mafia. But with the help of three folks on the outside, the might not be there for long.Read the script here.The Cast
Capo is voiced by Jerry Harris
Cugine is voiced by Emma Skinner
Dr. Maron Settleschild is voiced by Ari Ingalls
Brother Judah is voiced by Kale Brown
Darya Ivanova is voiced by Aubrey Akers
Rapid Egress is voiced by Hera Alexander
Rainie is voiced by Oz Stark
Felix leGris is voiced by Max Newland
Hotshot is voiced by Rachel Scully
Old Hand is voiced by Jeremy Tucker
Junior is voiced by Adam Steven Halecki
Guard 1 is voiced by Roonie Hunt
Guard 2 is voiced by Quill Turner
Guard 3 is voiced by Kasha Mika
Guard 4 is voiced by SJ Ryker
Guard 5 is voiced by Jordan W. Anderson
Mom is voiced by Lafayette Uttarapong

[S04E09] A Little Love Goes a Long Way

The Spaces In Between, part 5

Written & Edited by Jordan W. Anderson
Transcribed by E. Marie Davis

Life’s funny like that, isn’t it? One minute you're stuck in a crowd, nervous you’re going to
scream at someone for looking at you funny. Next, you’re sharing a beer and a conversation like you’ve been best buddies for decades.
Anton's journey, and his story, come to an end.The Cast
Dani is voiced by Bonnie Calderwood Aspinwall
Wayne is voiced by Skyler
Rich is voiced by Jeremy Tucker
Anton is voiced by Jordan W. Anderson
Villaverde Markey is voiced by Saph the Something
Travis Sojourn/Ezra is voiced by Ben Awtry
Yuri Aurturoskin is voiced by Scott Paladin
Cassandra "Cassie" Proctor is voiced by Madi Opincaru

[S04E10] They Will See Us for Miles

Fable of the Family, part 1

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin
Transcribed by Arielle

I joined the Navy for a lot of the same reasons you did. Which all turned out to be a load of bullshit. But I stayed because I'm very good at this. And because sometimes we get to do some real good out here.Long ago, Amity Archer hears a call for help coming from the black and finds much more than she expected.More recently, Etianne Calsdottir sets out on her wander and comes home to find something worse than she imagined.Sometime ahead, Etta Hobb looks for her parents killers and finds no answers to her questions.Read the script here.The Cast
Amity Archer is voiced by Lindsay Zana
Dingo Navia is voiced by Kirsty Woolven
Carmine Earl is voiced by Scott Paladin
Etianne Toraswife is voiced by Christina McClain
Sister-to-All is voiced by Lyssa Jay
Etta Hankskin is voiced by E Marie Davis
Chief Wren is voiced by Mel Nichols
Hatima Bright is voiced by Rebecca Krause
Tarun Quillson is voiced by Aaron Kling
Rondo Largesson is voiced by John Kennard
Beatrice "Heck" Novak-Nygaard is voiced by Amy Young
Charlotte Catsmother is voiced by Madi Opincaru
Honoria "Cat" Nygaard-Novak is voiced by Ella Watts
The Admiral is voiced by Jessie Hall
Marshall Luce Brackett is voiced by Emma Johanna Puranen

[S04E11] With Hands Upon Each Other's Hearts

Fable of the Family, part 2

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin
Transcribed by Arielle

Getting your Solar Scout Gold Pin does not make you a soldier.Long ago, in the aftermaster of the NMC disaster, Amity Archer fights to hold the rescue fleet together.Now, amidst the storm of the Settle fallout, Etianne Calsdottir fights to make her family whole.Sometime ahead, during the Seige of Tethys, Etta Hobb fights a battle that is hers by choice.Read the script here.The Cast
Eka Etianneskin is voiced by Rue Dickey
Etianne Toraswife is voiced by Christina McClain
Link Greyskin is voiced by Kasha Mika
Grey Linkskin is voiced by Vic Collins
Yuri Eviesfather is voiced by Scott Paladin
Sister-to-All is voiced by Lyssa Jay
Etta Hankskin is voiced by E Marie Davis
Dingo Navia is voiced by Kirsty Woolven
Amity Archer is voiced by Lindsay Zana
Hatima Bright is voiced by Rebecca Krause
Elspeth Earl is voiced by Ashlee Jones
Astrith Sophieschild is voiced by Ashlee Craft
Dr. Zed Wild is voiced by Daisy McNamara
Chief Wren is voiced by Mel Nichols
Captain Callahan is voiced by Kate Bullen
Captain Bedlow is voiced by Khai Truong

[S04E12] Beyond This Place of Wrath and Tears

Fable of the Family, part 3

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin
Transcribed by Arielle

You've got monsters in your past; so do we all. I've looked into the eyes of people who were not people on the inside. Saw what that kind of creature does when it had power over others. And I tell you this: every second spent raging against the damage they do is a second wasted.Long ago, in the further straining fleet, Amity Archer forges something new out of the wreckage.Now, in a Family Fleet renewed, Etianne Toraswife faces a world of new responsibilities.Sometime ahead, Etta Hanksin follows a path into a new life with the Family.Read the script here.The Cast
Etianne Toraswife is voiced by Christina McClain
Yuri Eviesfather is voiced by Scott Paladin
Grey Linkskin is voiced by Vic Collins
Rondo Largesson is voiced by John Kennard
Ekrem Hobb is voiced by Kale Brown
Etta Hankskin is voiced by E Marie Davis
Dingo Navia is voiced by Kirsty Woolven
Amity Archer is voiced by Lindsay Zana
Link Greyskin is voiced by Kasha Mika
Sister-to-All is voiced by Lyssa Jay
Chief Wren is voiced by Mel Nichols

[S04E13] And Nothing Left to Me

Written & Edited by Kale Brown
Transcribed by Elise "Atlas" Chien

Well, it is very nice to meet you, Oriole Corta. Now, are we gonna spend the rest of this miserable slog of a job just standing here in oppressive silence or are you going to indulge me with a little conversation?When a fast-talking drifter picks up a stranger with a secretive nature and a startling talent, the two of them hatch a plan that’s as noble as it is impulsive.Read the script here.The Cast
Dervish Donne is voiced by Mike A. Ihrke Jr.
Oriole Corta is voiced by Mihai Matei
Mitchell is voiced by Gerald Hill

[S04E14] Introduction

Chasing a Ghost, part 1

Written by James Big
Edited by Aaron Olson
Transcribed by Nel Russell

Host Lennon Merlo introduces themself, and the subject of the series.Music:
Blues for the Black, performed by James Big
Read the script here.The Cast
Lennon Merlo is voiced by Lauren Tucker

[S04E15] What Do We Know

Chasing a Ghost, part 2

Written by James Big
Edited by Aaron Olson
Transcribed by Nel Russell

Interview with Iris Antić, a pop culture historian and professor of music at Greater Ganymede University.Music
The Belter Blues, performed by the Banjo Ghost
Read the script here.The Cast
Lennon Merlo is voiced by Lauren Tucker
Iris Antić is voiced by Amy Young

[S04E16] The Yard

Chasing a Ghost, part 3

Written by James Big
Edited by Aaron Olson
Transcribed by Nancy Sandland

Interview with folks from Delaney Shipyard about yardie songs.Music
Sixteen Tons, performed by Delaney Shipyard Shift 3
Read the script here.The Cast
Lennon Merlo is voiced by Lauren Tucker
Arval “Bread” Baker is voiced by Kasha Mika
Anastasia Isabella "MagLock" “Maggie” Young is voiced by Daisy McNamara
Heck Novak-Nygaard is voiced by Amy Young

[S04E17] There's a Design

Written by Interiority
Edited by Kale Brown
Transcribed by Jess McCoy

Let me stop you there. I think I know how this goes...After many hours of borderline- creepy observation, you compile a dossier on all of her troubles, career, domestic and existential, and how she should go about fixing them. You then present her with the information and, perhaps as an afterthought, introduce yourself.A Caller suffering a crisis of faith stumbles upon a vanished billionaire's secret stash. Taking it as a sign from the universe, they embark on a hectic journey to find those in need of a receptive ear and a helping hand. But will they be able to give away their newfound wealth before the authorities catch up?Read the script here.The Cast
Brother Rin McKenzie is voiced by Pacific S. Obadiah
Peyton is voiced by Kale Brown
Agent Gross is voiced by E. Marie Davis
Agent Burns is voiced by Melissa Lusk
Ragbir is voiced by Sam Stark
Nahum Coyneskin is voiced by Khai Truong
Derek Emelemson is voiced by John Kennard
Perry Placeholderskin is voiced by Jess McCoy
Evri Yodel is voiced by Lyssa Jay
Director Deifenbaker is voiced by Katrina Pecina
Mayor McPodunk is voiced by Jesse Hall
Cyril is voiced by Nancy Sandland

[S04E18] Little Red Songbook

Chasing a Ghost, part 4

Written by James Big
Edited by Aaron Olson
Transcribed by Nancy Sandland

Interview with an IWM representative about music and organized labor.Music
Solidarity Forever, performed by Odelia Ray.
The Cast
Lennon Merlo is voiced by Lauren Tucker
Odelia Ray is voiced by Elijah Harper

[S04E19] Old Songs

Chasing a Ghost, part 5

Written by James Big
Edited by Aaron Olson
Transcribed by Nancy Sandland

Interview with members of a YuDio squat/artist collective, who are preserving and remaking songs from the distant past.Music
The Sweetness, performed by Chima Baardson.
Read the script here.The Cast
Lennon Merlo is voiced by Lauren Tucker
Chima Baardson is voiced by Dylan Griggs
Polymnia is voiced by Hera Alexander
Joe is voiced by Lou Sutcliffe

[S04E20] You Can Hear the Whistle Blow

Written by Ash Seguinte
Edited by Erik Seguinte
Transcribed by Nigel McKeon

Mom... it isn't like that. I love you. And working with you! ...You've been so helpful and supportive and... and it's wonderful. But, I just... I need to try. It's time for me to do it myself.They say that our families know us best. Maybe that’s a good thing for some people, but Clarity Mariesdottir, of the Peregrination ship Words in the Heart Cannot Be Taken her family didn’t know her quite so well, because then maybe they’d let her live her own life. In an attempt to prove she is a competent adult, Clarity arranges to go on a scouting mission to a nearby station, where she meets someone who shows her that sometimes, the person your family sees is not actually who you are.Read the script here.The CastClarity Mariedottir is voiced by Daisy McNamara
Marie Pearlsdottir is voiced by Mab
Nadira Gotfried is voiced by Rae Lundberg
Bek is voiced by Kirsty Woolven
Pityr is voiced by Taylor Michaels
Tati is voiced by Elijah Harper
Hobnail is voiced by Rose Williams
Weasel is voiced by Kasha Mika
Kato is voiced by Lou Sutcliffe

[S04E21] Bella Ciao

Chasing a Ghost, part 6

Written by James Big
Edited by Aaron Olson
Transcribed by Kirsty Woolven

Interview with Kit and Em, the happy couple, after a moment from the wedding reception goes viral and introduces the system to some Makhnovchik wedding traditions.Music
Bella Ciao (Makhnovchik version), performed by Kit Brackett & Em Crane.
Read the script here.The Cast
Lennon Merlo is voiced by Lauren Tucker
Jax Abrahams is voiced by Sophie Borjón
Kit Brackett is voiced by Mel Nichols
Em Crane is voiced by Lindsey Zanna
Nine Haidee is voiced by James Big

[S04E23] Signal to Signal

Chasing a Ghost, part 7

Written by James Big
Edited by Aaron Olson
Transcribed by E. Marie Davis

Interview with (name pending), a communication technician on a 'restored' (liberated) YuKon comms relay; one of the folks who's helped the Ghost's signal spread.Music
Wayfaring Stranger, performed by The Banjo Ghost
Read the script here.The Cast
Lennon Merlo is voiced by Lauren Tucker
Jax Abrahams is voiced by Sophie Borjón
Riley Riley is voiced by Hera Alexander
Nameless is voiced by Roonie Hunt

[S04E22] Blue Noon on the Red Riviera

Written & Edited by Amy Young
Transcribed by Claudia Elvidge

This all started... when I met her.The Red Riviera Bloodbath is back for its 50th year! Outlaws from across the System are on their way to Mars to compete in a quick draw tournament for a chance at money and an erased bounty… or death! And as it draws closer, a newcomer to town meets the woman of her dreams. Will love bloom at high noon?Read the script here.The Cast
Viola Barnsley is voiced by Rebecca Krause
Agatha Howard is voiced by Jill Bee
Oran “Big Sky” Baines is voiced by James Big
Garrison Grainger- Phillip C.
Tatum Hadar is voiced by Sockx
Martie Ettal is voiced by Taylor Michaels
“Scalawag” Ferguson is voiced by Rose Williams
“Buzzard” Gabara is voiced by Jesse Hall
“Saddle Tramp” Sato is voiced by Quill Turner
“Coyote” Oliveira is voiced byScott Paladin
“Bullethead” Benoit is voiced bySJ Ryker
“Cowpoke” Podlaski is voiced byCharlie Caruso-Neal
“Jicama” Horton is voiced by Kasha Mika
Captain Fern Asterskin is voiced by Amy Young

[S04E24] Family Band

Chasing a Ghost, part 8

Written by James Big
Edited by Aaron Olson
Transcribed by E. Marie Davis

Interview with the Peregrination Bad Idea Cousins about Family songs, during a layover at Arcturus.Music
Ensign Fores-kin, performed by Grey Linkskin, Link Ekaskin, & Aidan Morgansson.
Read the script here.The Cast
Lennon Merlo is voiced by Lauren Tucker
Ettiane Calsdottir is voiced by Christina McClain
Grey Linkskin is voiced by Vic Collins
Link Ekaskin is voiced by Kasha Mika
Aidan Morgansson is voiced by Bonnie Calderwood Aspinwall

[S04E25] Finale

Chasing a Ghost, part 9

Written by James Big
Edited by Aaron Olson
Transcribed by Lyssa J

Lennon Merlo finally tracks down the Banjo Ghost.Music
Blues for the Black, performed by the Banjo Ghost.
Read the script here.The Cast
Lennon Merlo is voiced by Lauren Tucker
Jax Abrahams is voiced by Sophie Borjón
The Banjo Ghost is voiced by James Big

[S04Finale] A Tour of the Grand Circumsolar Exhibition

Written by Amy Young, Ash Seguinte, Hera Alexander, Interiority, James Big, Kale Brown, Kasha Mika, Kale Brown, Mel Nichols, Scott Paladin, & SJ Ryker
Edited by Amy Young, Erik Seguinte, Kale Brown, Maddie Cooper, Sam Stark, Scott Paladin, & SJ Ryker.
Transcribed by SockX, E. Marie Davis, Mel Nichols, & Nancy Sandland

Welcome to the Grand Circumsolar Exhibition, valued vendor /contributor /service worker.
Here is your complimentary orbital map and emergency commdress list. We hope you enjoy your stay at the Fair, and thank you for your participation in the expansion of the fellowship of all humankind.
Read the script here.The Cast
Crutchfield is voiced by Sam Stark
Molina is voiced by Mel Nichols
Cat Nygaard-Novak is voiced by Ella Watts
Pony Cheval is voiced by Jesse Hall
Heck Novak-Nygaard is voiced by Amy Young
Lennon Merlo is voiced by Lauren Tucker
Rin McKenzieis voiced by Pacific S. Obadiah
Peyton Spear is voiced by Kale Brown
The Voice of the Bull is voiced by The Voice of the Bull
Lily is voiced by Kira Stark
Val is voiced by Michael E. Fremantle
Viv is voiced by Bonnie Calderwood Aspinwall
Dr. Maron Rainieskin is voiced by Ari Ingalls
Rainie Maronskin is voiced by Oz Stark
Brother Orfeo is voiced by SJ Ryker
The Ghost of Elliemay Settlesdottir is voiced by Amy Young
Barfly is voiced by Rachel Scully
Grant is voiced by Ness
Dex is voiced by Rachel Scully
Darya Ivanova is voiced by Aubrey Akers
Kato is voiced by Lou Sutcliffe
Nadira is voiced by Rae Lundberg
Clarity is voiced by Daisy Macnamara
Agatha Howard is voiced by Jill Bee
Viola Fernsdottir is voiced by Rebecca Krause
Sedge Hyssopschild is voiced by Kasha Mika
Oran Nygaard is voiced by James Big
Fox is voiced by Quill Turner
Kelly is voiced by Rose Williams
Voski Mateus is voiced by Philip C.
Tatum Hadar is voiced by SockX
Brother Argyre is voiced by Interiority
Rapid Egress is voiced by Hera Alexander
Osvalda is voiced by Emma Laslett
Adrianna is voiced by Essay
R. Bob McKinsey is voiced by Thomas Fleming
Alfee Augusto is voiced by Scott Paladin
Agent Gross is voiced by E. Marie Davis
Agent Burns is voiced by Melissa Lusk
Link Greyskin is voiced by Kasha Mika
Grey Linkskin is voiced by Vic Collins
Ekrem is voiced by Kale Brown
Oriole Corta is voiced by Mihai Matei
Dervish Donne is voiced by Mike Ihrke
Baby Goat is voiced by a baby goat
Slick is voiced by Scott Paladin

Season 3

Far Flung

February 2023 - August 2023

[S03E01] As They Ride on Hear Their Cry

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"Gracie, I am... I'm so far out. The sun doesn't... I can't even pick it out anymore. So many stars are brighter now... I dream, sometimes... Last time, I dreamed of you, Gracie."Travis Sojourn is running from something so hard that he’s all but left the solar system. Out in the black, where nothing and no one should be save frozen rocks and vacuum, he finds people. Exiles from existence, doomed to live out the rest of their days tending to the orbits of Kuiper belt objects, the devil's own herd.Read the script here.The Cast
Travis Sojourn is voiced by Ben Awtry
Hooch is voiced by Dane Smitley
Virgil is voiced by Vic Collins
Sissy is voiced by Lindsay Zana

[S03E02] By Any Other Name

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Erik Seguinte

"The people are hungry for entertainment. Especially out past the Belt...and we can provide it. Because we, actors, storytellers, we are the stuff as dreams are made of."Not satisfied with their status as one of the preeminent Shakespeare troupes of the Inner System, Thalia’s Players seeks to take a production of Romeo & Juliet to theaters past Kuiper. Their attempts to find a suitable Juliet seem to be successful, until they find out that their newly-hired principal actress is, in fact, already employed by someone else. And they want her back.Read the script here.The Cast
Reynard-Alexis Manu Pedersen De Cloet is voiced by SJ Ryker
Gerst Carel is voiced by Interiority
Bened Ingegarde is voiced by Thomas Flemming
Villaverde Markey is voiced by Saph the Something
Tylor Paquet is voiced by Sophie Borjón
Imra Otouxii is voiced by Izzy Trevellian
Pilot is voiced by Jasper Locke

[S03E03] Terminal Hospitality

Written by SJ RykerEdited by Aaron Olson

"I’m not too proud to admit it: my brain absolutely shut down at the first sight of him.Casey thought it was just going to be another day on Terminal Station. But that was before Felix Theodore LeGris showed up. But is he the romantic stranger he seems? Or does he have a secret he’s hiding?Read the script here.The Cast
Casey is voiced by Sophie Borjón
Barfly is voiced by Rachel Scully
Felix T. leGris is voiced by Max Newland
Sheriff Grant is voiced by Ness
David is voiced by Scott Paladin
Thao is voiced by Lafayette Uttarapong
Zane is voiced by Ari Ingalls

[S03E04] I See the Stars are Here With Me

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"Kiss and make up. Kill each other. Fucking, write an opera together. I don't care, but when that door unlocks you two better have figured it out.."Left to run her deceased father's noodle shop, Cat Novak faces an uncertain future. And to make it more complicated, Heck is there. Her bestfriend, with whom she has entirely too much history and just a whole metric ton of unresolved... stuff. But it seems, from beyond the grave, that her dad has one last surprise for the both of them.Read the script here.The Cast
“No-Shit” Novak is voiced by Vic Collins
Heck is voiced by Amy Young
Kat is voiced by Ella Watts
Lefty is voiced by Wyatt West
Avi Blake is voiced by Emma Johanna Puranen

[S03E05] Tidal Heat

Written by James BigEdited by Kale Brown

"Tranquility, you know that I love you, but the only way either of us will ever be safe is if Neveah Starr is gone."...and then we CG in the airlock door opening, Starr gets sucked out, Quili and Nemesys kiss, and that's an episode, fan-tastic, OK."They call it “the hottest soap opera in the system”: Tidal Heat, filmed exclusively on location on or orbiting the Jovian moon Io. But when an accident on the set strands members of the cast and crew on Io’s volcanic surface, will their story be one of tragedy, or of survival against the odds?Read the script here.The Cast
Anaximander “Ax” Poirier is voiced by Michael E. Freemantle
Isadora Zheng is voiced by Christina McClain
Guenevere Abtangelo is voiced by Ari Delyne
Massey is voiced by Wyatt West
Rosa is voiced by Emma Skinner
Henrietta Demirci is voiced by Faye Holliday

[S03E06] Beat the Drum Slowly

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"Never before seen a fella that far from anything and still alive. Figure I needed to drag you aboard just to see if your luck would wear off on me."Hank pulled a body out of the black, but the man’s still breathing. And the two grow to know each other as they travel to Io.Read the script here.The Cast
Ekrem is voiced byy Kale Brown
Hank is voiced by Scott Paladin
Merryl is voiced by Kate Bullen

[S03E07] Roll On, Northumbria

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Erik Seguinte

"Since you're all here, I guess you figured out we got ourselves a new yard. Reason for that's we got a new hull too. A fuck-off big one."With the recently-signed treaty between Mars and Luna exponentially increasing the prices of industrial imports to Terra, corporations on Earth have found themselves in need of their own fleet of spaceships. Which means commissioning them from Delaney Shipyards. The workers of Yard 3’s Second Shift have been put to work laying the hull of the Northumbria, the largest liquid hydrogen hauler to ever be commissioned. But as the crew is pushed to by management work faster, at the expense of safety, Second Shift is forced to make dangerous compromises, or risk their jobs at the yard.Read the script here.The Cast
George “Pony” Cheval is voiced by Jesse
Arval “Bread” Baker is voiced by Kasha Mika
Verner “Step-Off” Gil is voiced by Ryan Astheimer
Anastasia Isabella "MagLock" “Maggie” Young is voiced by Daisy McNamara
Delia “Balloon” Feelan is voiced by Lafayette Uttarapong
Sal Rudd is voiced by Max Newland
Leslie Logan is voiced by Michael E. Freemantle
Gunnar is voiced by Scott Paladin

[S03E08] The Place Called Home

Written by Kasha MikaEdited by Kale Brown

"We're already pretty self-sufficient, plus we're willing to trade with ulko, so the Family ships don't have anything we can't make ourselves or get elsewhere."Brought aboard a Peregrination ship against their will by a friendly young crewman, a prickly NoGo discovers the Family’s soft, rotten underside.Read the script here.The Cast
Aidan Morgansson is voiced by Bonnie Calderwood Aspinwall
Jet Propulsor is voiced by Jasper Lock
Captain Elliemay Settlesdottir is voiced by Amy Young
Doctor Maron Settleschild is voiced by Ari Ingalls
Commander Brannis is voiced byScott Paladin

[S03E09] Hounds of the Universe

Written by InteriorityEdited by Aaron Olson

"Still sorta feels like walking up to the front door and ringing the bell."When a simple freighter-jacking goes badly, two estranged partners will find themselves caught up in a nightmare of their own making. To find a way out, they will have to navigate the big lies they’ve been telling each other and the ones they’ve been telling themselvesRead the script here.The Cast
Molina is voiced by Mel Nichols
Crutchfield is voiced by Sam Stark
CRAA-F:T is voiced by Emma Johanna Puranen
The Captain is voiced by Scott Paladin
Brother Argyre is voiced by Interiority
First Officer Tennille is voiced by Izzy Trevellian

[S03E10] Five-Foot Six & Two-Fifteen

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Erik Seguinte

"And that's the bell! Sol Survivors demolish the Red Planet Rollers, 159 to 72, securing the coveted second spot in this year's Martian Madness making this the first time two teams from Ganymede will go head to head in the recently-renamed Augusto Amphitheater."Martian Madness 26! 10 players. One rink. Two Variable Gravity Roller Derby teams. One winner. It’s Gany vs. Gany when the LaStrange Points face off against the Sol Survivors! And it’s not just home planets the teams share. This season, the Survivors are captained by Patsy Crime, who is not only the former jammer of the Strangers, but also the ex-girlfriend of their captain. We all saw how hot that rivalry got last year during their live-streamed breakup. Wonder what’s going to happen when it’s played out p^g style– in the rink.Read the script here.The Cast
Ion Piledrive is voiced by Rue Dickey
Gal Axe-y is voiced by Mel Nichols
Rock-it Man is voiced by Dorian Laverne
Newton's First Out-law is voiced by Elise "Atlas" Chien
Kiss My Asimov is voiced by Ella Watts
Patsy Crime is voiced by Lindsay Zana
Kieran Duke is voiced by Amy Crossthwait
Noss Rekker is voiced by SJ Ryker
Buck Beckwith is voiced by Quinn
Whalin’ Jennings is voiced by Thomas Flemming
Johnny Crash is voiced by Calendula Blanco
Crank Williams Junior is voiced by Soul
Dwight Choke-Em is voiced by Rachel Scully
Hat Guy is voiced by Wyatt West
Cam is voiced by Sam Stark
The Hotel Attendant is voiced by Saph the Something

[S03E11] The Spacer's Lament

Written by Jeremiah W. G.Edited by Kale Brown

"What makes a dying man decide to stow away on a smugglers ship instead of going peacefully into the void. You've got a story? You'll tell it."The Silver Lady, a smuggling ship, becomes home to a young, dying spacer and his search for his sister across the universe.Read the script here.The Cast
Aysima is voiced by Kasha Mika
Lou is voiced by Rachel Scully
Mills is voiced by Lucas
Sloane is voiced by Kale Brown

[S03E12] A Smile And A Sword in Your Arms

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"Is that what this business with your rotten ship is? A fuck up so bad you have to call the neighbors for help?"When the Peregrination finds themselves in a legal crisis that can't just be solved over drinks, they appoint a Lawspeaker. The current Lawspeaker has come to a clandestine meeting with the Outer Rangers about just such a crisis as events seem inevitable conclusion that the Peregrination will take the blowback for the crimes of others.Read the script here.The Cast
Carmine "Carmy" Earl is voiced by Scott Paladin
Ettiane Calsdottir is voiced by Christina McClain
Grey Linkskin is voiced by Vic Collins
Luce Brackett is voiced by Emma Johanna Puranen
Link is voiced by Kasha Mika
Judge Marinos is voiced by Ally Amador

[S03E13] Their Brands Were Still on Fire

Written by James Big

"Come on, Galatea, show me that sparkly something you've been hiding away just for me.."A pair of dust herders from the rings of Neptune stumbles on a billion-to-one opportunity: a dark comet loaded with rare and valuable materials; a ghost BRONCO. However, they soon discover they aren't the only ones after this score, and that the stalemate between the ships chasing this ghost may just damn them all.Read the script here.The Cast
Cash is voiced by Carlo Deniega
Robbins is voiced by J.D. Jackson
Captain Ivanhoe Iveskin is voiced by Quill Turner
Monroe Jones is voiced by Meg Connell

[S03E14] & [S03E15] The Day That YuKon Died

Written by Aaron Olson, Ash Seguinte, Interiority, James Big, Kasha Mika, Scott Paladin, & SJ Ryker.
Edited by Aaron Olson, Erik Seguinte, Kale Brown, Sam Stark, Scott Paladin, & SJ Ryker.

Now, it's time to say goodbye. Goodbye to the rigid, old, stifling framework responsible for holding back original excellence, personal development, and individual responsibility, and welcome in the opportunity for new growth![Please note that giving the change in corporate structure, employee YEETS will be deactivated immediately following this broadcast. There will be no future official announcements from the Voice of YuKon. Any messages claiming to be from YuXecutives should be immediately reported to the fraud detection department via its redline commdress.]Associates, welcome to the future. The future that is in your hands. But remember, whatever changes that future brings, YOU will always put the YOU in YuKon.[Read the script here.]The Cast
Delta-Vee Dining Segments
Deborah- Daisy McNamara
Sam- SJ Ryker
Jesse “Flash” Fry- audioquinn
Jesse’s PA- M. German
YuKon Drone 1- Vanessa Haas
YuKon Drone 2- Jerry Harris
I See the Stars Are Here With Me Segment
Slick - Scott Paladin
Heck - Amy Young
Cat - Ella Watts
Tidal Heat Segment
Guenevere Abtangelo- Ari Delyn
Isadora Zheng - Christina McClain
Mermin Zavanna - James Big
As They Ride on Hear Their Cry Segment
Travis - Ben Awtry
Roman Diaz- Mike Freemandle
News Segments
Preston Jorgenson- Thomas Flemming
Newscaster- Ari Delyn
The Voice of YuKon- Arielle Click
By Any Other Name Segment
Reynard-Alexis Manu Pedersen De Cloet- SJ Ryker
Gerst Carrel- Interiority
Villaverde Markey - Saph the Something
Tylor Paquet- Sophie Borjón
Benned Ingegarde - Thomas Flemming
Pilot- Jasper Locke
Hounds of the Universe Segments
Crutchfield - Sam Stark
Molina - Mel Nichols
Five Foot Ten and Two-Fifteen Segment
Kit “Gal Axey” Brackett- Mel Nichols
Em “Patsy Crime” Crane - Lindsey Zanna
Nine Haidee- James Big
Henrietta Demirci- Faye Holliday
The Place Called Home Segments
Jet Propolser- Jasper Lock
Aidan Morgansson - Bonnie Calderwood Aspinwall
Grey Linkskin- Vic Collins
Low Orbit- Thomas Flemming
Killian North- Kale Brown
Link Ekaskin- Kasha Mika
Their Brands Were Still On Fire Segments
Ivanhoe Iveskin: Quill Turner
Monrole Jones: Meg Connell
Terminal Hospitality Segment
Terminal Bartender- SJ Ryker
Barfly- Rachel Scully
Casey- Sophie Borjón
Sheriff Grant- Ness Rocker

Delta-Vee Dining [Episodes 1 - 12]

Written & Edited by Aaron Olson

A burger's always going to be a burger.Join Jesse "Flash" Fry on a culinary journey of discovery around the system.Read the script here.The Cast
Jesse Fry played by audioquinn
2:41 DVD 1: Vientiane Cafe, Rezanov Station
Chef Som played by Lafayette P. Uttarapong
7:10 DVD 2: The Walnut Tree, Terraria
Hulya Dimir was played by Aly Amador
11:30 DVD 3: Deimos DeLites, New Philadelphia, MARS
BF was played by Jerry Harris
19:06 DVD 4: Shepherd's Crossing, Ganymede
Dove Foster was played by Emma Johanna Puranen
26:43 DVD 5: The Half-Moon, Raven Station
Avram was voiced by Anna Stein
36:53 DVD 6: Sam's Place, The Backlot
Sam was voiced by S.J Ryker
47:13 DVD 7: Elspeth's Chuckwagon, 2.5 degrees off Saturn orbit
Carmy was voiced by Scott Paladin (and didn't die)
54:02 DVD 8: Freighter Shoulda Taken a Left, Neptune Cycler
Moriah was voiced by Rebecca Krause
58:11 DVD 9: The Noodle Smelter, Ceres Rambles
Akkuna Lee was voiced by Kale Brown
1:07:56 DVD 10: Waystation 237, 36061 Haldane
Deborah Brosky was voice by Daisy Macnamara
1:13:46 DVD 11: Mateo and Stuart's Pasteis, Rio de Jazeiro, MARS
Mateo was voiced by Quill Turner
Stuart was voiced by Jesse Hall
1:21:23 DVD 12: Somewhere on Callisto
Captain Jasmine Duvallskin was voiced by Izzy Trevalian

Season 2

Flying Further

March 2022 - October 2022

[S02E01] On Rocky Ground & My Stars Will Never Leave Me

On Rocky Ground Written by James Big
My Stars Will Never Leave Me Written by Ash Alder Ketcham Seguinte
Edited by Erik Seguinte

"Ari, seriously, if you're receiving this you need to get back here now. We just lost telemetry for C-COWs across half the planet..."A solar storm can kill a ship or rip a station to shreds, but what will it do to a couple on Mars whose relationship is already on the rocks? Does it push them together, or finish tearing them apart?---
"I don't know...Is that what you're looking to hear? I don't know why we come out here. I don't know why we'd rather be falling into the sun in a plastic bag rather than safe and sound somewhere we can breathe as much as we like..."
Where is the line between friendship, and romance? Between rescue, and willful self destruction? In the immediate aftermath of the sentential storm, two shipmates learn the answers to both question.Read the script here.The Cast
On Rocky Ground
Ariel "Ari" Attison is voiced by Vic Collins
July Lamarie is voiced by Meredith McKee
Rick Princip is voiced by M. German
CCOW is voiced by Bunny
My Stars Will Never Leave Me
Shan is voiced by JPG
True is voiced by Mel Nichols

[S02E02] The Long Way Home From Ceres

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"It was supposed to be a simple job. But in this line of work, there's so such fucking thing."Dogwalkers take the jobs you can't put in the books. Sometimes, that's taking something for someone it doesn't belong to. Sometimes, it's bringing back something that does. This job is one of the latter. Grey's employer this time is very influential, and very wealthy. And currently missing a child. But when Grey discovers his quarry has been adopted by the Peregrination, things get a great deal more complicated.Read the script here.The Cast
Farza is voiced by Christine Tardiff
Grey is voiced by Vic Collins
Link is voiced by Kasha Mika
Nandri is voiced by Devin Nelson

[S02E03] The Debt-End Job

Written by Thomas FlemmingEdited by Thomas Flemming & Aaron Olson

"Don't go work for YuKon." My dad said. "You can always just get a job with me at OCP!" Well sorry, Mom! I didn't listen."Two strangers meet at a bar. One is a disgraced former YuKon PR rep at the end of his rope. The other, a career criminal looking for his next score. They soon hatch a plan to steal from one of the richest people in the system. What could possibly go wrong?Read the script here.The Cast
Korrine is voiced by Emma Johanna Puranen
Mik is voiced by M. German
Bridger is voiced by Vic Collins
Preston Jorgensen is voiced by Thomas Flemming

[S02E04] Ships in the Night

Written by Olivia CottleEdited by Aaron Olson

Welcome to Waystation Markets, Store 369. How can we propel you through the stars today?When you work and live on a Waystation Market asteroid, frequented only by people just passing through and refueling, with only your manager for company, you make your own fun. Price spends their shifts musing about the patterns they’ve recognized in the customers who stop here. Every stranger has a story, and Price wonders just how much they’ll factor into those - or how much those factor into them.Read the script here.The Cast
Price is voiced by Jerry Harris
Manager is voiced by Eryn Cerise
Big Shot is voiced by Cassidy Caruso
Curious is voiced by Cam Clark
Trouble is voiced by J.D. Jackson
Long Hauler is voiced by Emma Johanna Puranen
IWM Agent is voiced by Vic Collins

[S02E05] Solidarity Forever!

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Erik Seguinte

Delivery! One anarchist, union-sympathizing ordnance handling, demolitions expert direct from Makhnovshchina, thanks to the YuKon 24-hours anywhere in the system guarantee!The Intrastellar Workers Movement continues to fight for worker’s rights and unionization against megacorporations like YuKon, and they’ve gained an unlikely leader. A small group of IWM members plan and execute an attack on one of the distribution nerve centers of the delivery giant, which happens to be in the middle of a space bus station.Read the script here.The Cast
Gabija Castor is voiced by Patrick Mendleson
Payseley Cogg is voiced by Bunny
Eponine "Nine" Haidee is voiced by James Big
Manda Acterburg is voiced by Olivia Cottle
Angus Sparacello is voiced by Alberto J Garcia

[S02E06] Flicker of a Torch

Written by Corvyn ApplebyEdited by Scott Paladin

Any of these stars coulda burned out hundreds of years ago, but we can still stare up long after and not even know the difference.Far from home, a soft-spoken traveler runs into a charismatic stranger in a bar. One tells a true story, and the other one tells a lie. Years in the past, two friends born and raised on an abandoned mining outpost find themselves on diverging paths - one wants to stay, and one plans to leave. Things fall apart, and when they do, they leave behind pieces to be picked up.Read the script here.The Cast
Pa is voiced by Richard Kreutz-Landry
Lespie is voiced by Ally Amador
Brighter is voiced by Kale Brown
Murash is voiced by Kris Allison

[S02E07] Station at the End of the Universe

Written by Charlie Caruso-NealEdited by Kale Brown

"Have you ever heard of the Station at the End of the Universe? It is told on planets, ships and space stations alike, one that is told late at night... Some say it’s a bright place... Others say it’s derelict and in ruins... Its appearance changes depending on who you ask about it. But you'll always find someone who has seen it.As five friends depart Venus after reuniting, they take time to talk and share their experiences “at the Station” and learn that all of them had terrifying and unexplainable experiences.Read the script here.The Cast
Ember Smauk is voiced by Eryn Cerise
Devan Heights is voiced by Quill Turner
Luke Kingsley is voiced by Charlie Neal
Yue Tanaka is voiced by Ayumi Shinozaki

[S02E08] Let Sleeping Dogs

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

Here's the deal, this is happening, and you're going to find a way to be fine with it, or you're going to have to learn how to breathe vacuum.The crew of the freighter Six Foot Weaver try to capitalize on an opportunity for some quick salvage, but what should have been easy money instead wakes a dormant danger.Read the script here.The Cast
Cameron is voiced by Rebecca Krause
Romero is voiced by Zach Jaquays
Carpenter is voiced by Erika Kaiser
Raimi is voiced by Scott Paladin

[S02E09] Felina, Goodbye

Written by Erika KaiserEdited by Scott Paladin

You come all this way, kid, on what? Some kinda holy quest, some kinda journey? So desperate for that absolution I was talkin’ about that you’ll haunt an old man with hope?An old gunslinger-turned-cricket-farmer gets pulled out of retirement for one last ride to save Felina, the love he thought was lost.Read the script here.The Cast
Theo is voiced by Scott Paladin
The Kid is voiced by Jem
Mason is voiced by M. German

[S02E10] The Train Job

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Erik Seguinte

"Does life in the black always end up with someone jumping out the airlock of a ship in motion, kilometers away from anything else with atmo and relying on exo suit thrusters to get them to a ship with a jerry-rigged remote hatch lock, before their O2 runs out?"Two familiar faces work together to steal something a very rich person doesn't need and give it to another very rich person who doesn't need it, as it’s transported from Luna to the Ganymede Exotic Floral Exhibition. It’s a flawless plan, but they didn’t count on running into the law.Read the script here.The Cast
Alfee Augusto is voiced by Scott Paladin
Marshall Layla Bird is voiced by Erika Kaiser
Marshal Mack Reyez is voiced by Ryan Astheimer
Anse is voiced by Quill Turner
Gasto is voiced by Corvyn Appleby

[S02E11] Ride, Boldly Ride

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"Shay Russell, you are under arrest, pursuant to Article two of the—Dusty get your goddamn hand off your gun before I blow it off—pursuant to Article two of the Ceres Accord, I am empowered to take you into custody for transportation back to the jurisdiction of import."Raven Station’s new sheriff, Luce, arrests a dangerous criminal and comes under threat. Aided only by Brother Argyre, a wanderer who has Heard the Call, they must fend off the criminal gang, led by Luce’s old mentor and friend.Read the script here.The Cast
Brother Argyreis voiced by Interiority
Luce is voiced by Emma Johanna Puranen
Shay Russel is voiced by Thom Freitag
Nathe Russel is voiced by Scott Paladin

[S02E12] The Tale of the Knock at the Airlock

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Kale Brown

Do you even know what's out there? Corrosive air hot enough to melt lead! Billions of kilograms of pressure. There are clouds of sulfuric acid just floating around!A troop of Venusian Solar Scouts and their fearless leader take an overnight trip to a surface observation and survey station. But what starts as a chance to work on some badges turns into a very strange, and more than a little scary, experience in the dark.Read the script here.The Cast
Gary is voiced by Thomas Flemming
Ayrik is voiced by Christine Tardiff
Frank is voiced by Arielle Click
Keekee is voiced by Rebecca Kraus
The Shuttle Pilot is voiced by Charlie Caruso-Neal

[S02E13] The Real Thing

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"We are putting together the largest change to Family law since Commodore Grandma was alive. It's been a monumental effort and we're not even close to done. But five years from now, the Family will be better off than we've ever been before. That's what I'm doing."Four months after the Peregrination ships Look to the Stars and Find Hope and Forge Sorrow Into Joy saved Arcturus Station from the destruction of the Solar Storm, captains Arturoskin and Calsdottir discuss a complex deal that may change the face of the Peregrination and all who call it their Family.Read the script here.The Cast
Tora Zanches is voiced by Kris Allison
Eka Amityskin is voiced by Rue Dickey
Ettienne Calsdottir is voiced by Christina Mcclain
Evie Yurisdottir is voiced by Jeremiah
Yuri Arturoskin is voiced by Scott Paladin

[S02E14] The Gambler

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Erik Seguinte

"Don't matter, in the end. They're just words. Person who wrote 'em's long since turned to dust. Guess that's how we all end up, one way or t'other. Words matter more when they're all you got left."On a warm summer's evening, on a train bound for nowhere, I met up with the gambler. We were both too tired to sleep. So we took turns staring out the window at the darkness, the boredom overtook us, and he began to speak.A conversation between two men on a long space flight about family, belonging, and loss.Read the script here.The Cast
Bel Lamar is voiced by M. German
Daequin is voiced by JD Jackson
Kinten Lamar is voiced by Rue Dickey
Loren Naught is voiced by Steven Zivic
Rake is voiced by Kris Allison
Ferrah is voiced by Evan Saft
Jond is voiced by Kale Brown

[S02E15] ATTN: Mandatory Holiday Briefing

Netpedia Category: HolidaysWaystation Markets Nondenominational Terran Winter Holiday Celebration
Waystation Markets strives to be an inclusive and welcoming environment for customers of all backgrounds. In order to refrain from appearing to...[more]
Sometimes called "Martian New Year," though mostly by non-Martians, is a two-week festival centered around the Martian aphelion, the point in which Mars’ orbit is furthest from the...[more]
A Venusian holiday, celebrated one two two times a Venusian year, which honors love and affection in all its forms. This holiday, sometimes compared to Terran Valentine's Day, is celebrated...[more]
While Christmas as a holiday has its roots in religious celebration, it has been adopted in many locations as a secular holiday honoring family and gift giving. On Terra, this holiday is celebrated through...[more]
Singing the Sorrow Song
While widely practiced amongst Peregrination ships, Singing the Sorrow Song is a highly variable celebration, with traditions and observance dates ranging vastly from ship to ship. The Song...[more]
Read the script here.The Cast
I’ll Manage
Price is voiced by Jerry Harris
Manager is voiced by Eryn "Cerise" Dearden
Written by Olivia Cottle, edited by Aaron OlsenAphelion Away From Home
Ariel "Ari" Attison is voiced by Vic
July Lamarr is voiced by Meredith McKee
Written by James Big, edited by Aaron OlsenThe Shuttle of Knowledge
Satellite Sally is voiced by Christina McClaine
Asteroid Andy is voiced by Jerry Harris
Professor Roseline is voiced by Alice Kyra
Written by Charlie Caruso-Neal, edited by Kale BrownTrapped on Port Kringle
Milky Way is voiced by Scott Paladin
Star Freighter is voiced by Olivia Cottle
Low Orbit is voiced by Thomas Flemming
Mrs MacDougal is voiced by Mel Nichols
Bill-John is voiced by Scott Paladin
Svetlana is voiced by Emma Johanna Puranen
Krastner is voiced by Quill Turner
James is voiced by James Big
Written by Michael Panush, edited by Scott PaladinSinging the Sorrow Song
Rian is voiced by Kris Allison
Kai is voiced by Paige Koch
Written & edited by Scott PaladinAdvertisements
Comet Kyle is voiced by Thomas Flemming
The Look And Listen Lad Narrator is voiced by M. German
The Look And Listen Lad Himself is voiced by Kasha Mika
Expensivia’s Endangered Species Bone Jewelry Collection Narrator is voiced by Emily Buza
Colonel Yum-Yum is voiced by Interiority
Dr. Terrorstein’s One-Shot Injectable Fear Solution Narrator is voiced by Richard Kreutz-Landry
The advertisements were written by Michael Panush, and edited by Kale BrownThe Netpedia Narrator is voiced by Kale Brown
Netpedia narration was adapted by Ash Seguinte & edited by Scott Paladin


Season 0

Finding Familiarity

May 2021 - June 2021

[S00E01] Breakdown

Written by Ash Alder Ketcham Seguinte

Spacefaring Vessel Registration
[Ceres Accords 190A-34.12]
Ship Designation: RM63F
Ship Name: Open Sky
Registered Owner: Cal Andrews
Registered Pilot: Cal Andrews
License Type: S1-SR
Licensed through: Ceres Satellite Station 5
Description: single-crewed, short-range vessel, limited cargo capacity, type V 8VAC/Atmo, propulsion class 5CF
Read the script hereThe Cast
Addie is voiced by Paige Alena
Cal is voiced by Vanessa Haas

[S00E02] Paradisio, an Omega Hotel Group hotel

Written by Ash Alder Ketcham Seguinte

Is life on the ground getting you down?
Are you feeling stuck in the mud?
Then it’s time to visit paradise!
Paradisio is a privately-owned orbital belonging to Omega Hotel Group, incorporated on Phobos and not subject to Terran law or governance. Guests take responsibility for their own health and safety, and understand that fluctuations in the orbital’s temperature, atmo, power, and gravity may occur. Legal waivers required upon check-in.Read the script hereThe Cast
Terms and conditions read by M. German

[S00E03] You Must Be A Belter, Because You’re Out Of This World: Never Fail Pickup Lines For Terrans

Written by Ash Alder Ketcham Seguinte

“You Must Be A Belter, Because You’re Out Of This World: Never Fail Pickup Lines For Terrans” is packed page-to-page with stunning one-liners guaranteed to get you any guy, gal, or pal out in space.
Listen to this sampler, and then send your first payment of 6.99 to blueline commdress B837583!
DISCLAIMER: Book is intended for entertainment purposes only. The publishing company cannot be held liable for any outcomes that result from use of these lines.
Read the script here.The Cast
Voiced by: Vic Collins, Rue Dickey, Shannon Roby, Thomas Fleming, Vanessa Haas, Charlie Neal, Corvyn Appleby, Landon Corbin, Dusty Hill, Olivia Cottle, Cam Clark, and M. German.)

[S00E04] Blues for the Black

Written by Scott Paladin

Tired from your time out in the cold void of space? Take load off at the Ring and Ray, the finest place on Walden Station for food and refreshment.Bask in the cultured ambiance of our vintage PlayMe(tm) player free piano while you sup on the finest foods, formed in house by our top of the line bioprinter, with finishing touches by our friendly staff. Try a proburger, seared on our imported Cincinnati griddle and topped with pickled garlic cubes. Trying to find a place for that special night out? Come here for a taste of the Green Flash, our signature cocktail, and see if it puts some get-up-and-go in your glands like everyone says.
Head today to Walden Station and find us waiting for you on deck 8 right across from the Ranger Station. You can't miss us.
We'll keep a stool open for ya.Read the script here.The Cast
Slick is voiced by Scott Paladin
Tower Controller is voiced by Jeremiah

Season 1

Fading Frontier

June 2021 - January 2022

[S01E01] Goodnight, You Moonlight Ladies

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Erik Seguinte

"Some of the most beautiful sights in the System lie along the Saturnian Stock Drive, but damned if it ain’t a lonely ride."Two asteroid-wrangling vacuum cowboys--one as worn-in as an old exosuit, one new-minted and still shiny. An entire field of mineral-rich BRONCOs. One chance to round them up and bring them home. And one ship of BRONCO rustlers waiting to make off with the string, and the profit.Read the script here.The Cast
Herschel is voiced by Thomas Flemming
Anse is voiced by Quill Turner
Boseman is voiced by Vic Collins
Gasto is voiced by Corvyn Appleby

[S01E02] Rat Among Falcons

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"Welcome to the Forge Sorrow Into Joy, home ship to 152 of The Family."Ships of the Peregrination often rescue those afloat in space. But this time, the person Captain Yuri Arturoskin fishes out of the black is more a problem than potential partner- an angry young pirate with no name.Read the script here.The Cast
Captain Yuri Arturoskin is voiced by Scott Paladin
Nulla is voiced by Jermiah
X.O. Blindskin is voiced by M. German

[S01E03] Take a Number, Get in Line

Written by Erika KaiserEdited by Scott Paladin

"You know how we tell a new guy? They kick rocks. It’s human, I guess. We’re tactile sons of bitches, right? There’s some part of our monkey brains that never grows past the stage where you chew on your hands and try to shove blocks into holes."There hasn't been a real war on Terra for 150 years. But that doesn't mean she hasn't needed soldiers. Gabriella Bishop, a former marine who saw more than her share of combat in things that weren't actually wars, has one more chance to keep her classification, and it's in the form of a recently-separated "Orbital Buddy" named Ace. It's just that Ace wants her help about as much as she wants to give it. But sometimes, the only one who can get through to a new veteran is an old one.Read the script hereThe Cast
Gabriella “Gabs” Bishop is voiced by Erika Kaiser
Alex “Ace” Trelawney is voiced by M. German
The Veteran's Hotline recording & Clerk are voiced by Alex Judkins

[S01E04] Objects in Motion

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"This is Jemma Falcano, Solar Scout troop 316, on the freighter Cantankerous. There are three of us aboard. We are adrift."A troupe of Solar Scouts' attempt to earn their survival badge turns from a simple camping trip in hard vacuum to a life-and-death struggle when an unexpected equipment failure leaves them stranded in an engineless ship, without proper communications, and far outside normal shipping routes.Read the script hereThe Cast
Jemma Falcano is voiced by Sarah
Ishana Diaz is voiced by Izzy Trevellian
Veliny Ashgrove is voiced by Alyssa
Lt. Evie Yurisdottir is voiced by Jeremiah

[S01E05] The Salvage of the Valentina Tereshkova

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Ash Seguinte & Erik Seguinte

"Buy me a drink. The stronger the better. And get the funds transferred. When they’re in my account, and the drink’s in me, I’ll tell you what you want to know. The entire story of the salvage of the Valentina Tereshkova."They've got reliable information about a luxury cruise ship, completely intact and ready to be salvaged. What could go wrong?Read the script here.The Cast
Dowe Maddox is voiced by Izzy Trevellian

[S01E06] Wayfaring Strangers

Written by Michael PanushEdited by Scott Paladin

* I’m a NoGo—No Home, Going Anywhere. I been that way since I was knee-high. My mother gave me a name, but I won’t bore you with it.*Three short stories about the lives of NoGos, wanderers who travel the System via stolen trips in cargo holds and overlooked corners, and who have their own ways of understanding friendship, loyalty, and honor.Read the script here.The Cast
The NoGo's Way
Zero Gravity is voiced by Thomas Flemming
Dr. Gold is voiced by Thom Freitag
The Candy Comet
Star Freighter is voiced by Olivia Cottle
Red Janey is voiced by Paige Alena
Zirconium Jaw is voiced by Quill Turner
Buddy is voiced by Zach Jaquays
Ensign Rawlings is voiced by Charlie Neal
The Llamas are voiced by llamas
Over Jordan
Steel Thumb is voiced by Scott Paladin
Captain Granville is voiced by Siobhan
Nurse Nott is voiced by Cam Clark

[S01E07] Oh Beautiful For Heroes Proved

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Erik Seguinte

"I wouldn't blame you if you don't want to risk throwing away your life on some kind of revenge mission that might not have even a chance of succeeding. But it's him. And this may be the only chance we have to make him pay."Once, they were a unit of skilled individuals, hunting some of the System's most dangerous terrorists. Now, they're nothing more than a professor, a hydroponics engineer, and a paper pusher in the Terran navy. But when they're given the chance to finish their last mission, to capture the man who killed their commander, even 10 years of inaction can't hold them back.Read the script here.The Cast
Luna Beck is voiced by Shannon Roby
Lucien Sayid is voiced by Adam Morton
Brando Finn is voiced by Sonny Costa
El Radamacher is voiced by Cam Clark
Helen Nnamdisdottir is voiced by Paige Alena
Comm is voiced by Kris Alison
Hodge Carrington is voiced by Scott Paladin

[S01E08] Three Stories From the System

Written by Ash Seguinte & Scott PaladinEdited by Erik Seguinte & Scott Paladin

This is the Blue Lady, greencast to all local, anybody in the neighborhood?It gets mighty lonely in the black. Every spacer knows that really, when it comes down to it, they're on their own. Especially if you fly solo. And when you're on your own out there, a ship malfunction isn't a temporary inconvenience. It's a death threat.--That's how it is everywhere, Cal. People'r out for themselves. An' they'll do whatever they got to to come out on top.An asteroid community has to stick together to survive. People need to trust you have their back. But what if you aren't who everyone thinks you are?--"There she is. The love of my life. Maybe if I leave now she won't have noticed me. "Dog Walkers take the jobs you can't put on the books. In that line of work, it pays to have friends in every port. Unfortunately for Kell, this job is going to bring her back to the one station where she doesn't.Read the script here.The Cast
Slick is voiced by Scott Paladin
Bronsspouse is voiced by Cam Clarke
Camdenskin is voiced by Quill Turner
Badger Game
Cal is voiced by Vanessa Haas
Addie is voiced by Paige Alena
John Mark Casupang is voiced by James
Hello Again From Raven Station
Kell is voiced by Erika Kaiser
Maeve is voiced by M. German
Lance is voiced by Scott Paladin

[S01E09] The Next Big Thing

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"The Peregrination is a simultaneously anarchic and strongly collectivist group. They're idiosyncratic and down right paranoid. Probably the largest isolated population of people in the solar system."Vista Unlimited has both the money and materials to expand their Jovian settlement. What they don't have is the ships to carry it there. In an attempt to secure the use of single largest fleet in the System, their agent seeks an audience with the Peregrination. They've done the planning, detailed the budget, what they haven't counted on is that gaining the cooperation of the Family might require something more than ready cash.Read the script here.The Cast
Tora Zanches is voiced by Kris Allison
Bahram Atarah is voiced by Thomas Flemming
Etianne Calsdottir is voiced by Christina McClaine
Eka Amityskin is voiced by Rue Dickey
Alizia Stokes is voiced by Rebecca Krause
Bahram Atarah is voiced by Thomas Flemming

[S01E10] Attention, Associates!

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Erik Seguinte

"Attention Associates! This is a reminder that inappropriate behavior with other team members is strictly prohibited by YuKon. If you wonder if you shouldn’t talk to someone, be smart, and don’t! And remember! You put the Yu in YuKon!"Welcome to YuKon Production and Fabrication Facility 1990, a company-owned asteroid community for employees of the digital retailer (with the System's only "anywhere in 24!" shipping guarantee). We have everything you need, from housing, to education, to entertainment all conveniently close to your places of employment! Just remember to stay productive! Marks against your record may limit your opportunities for apartment rentals, public transit passes, and other YuKon provided services.Read the script here.The Cast
The Voice of YuKon is voiced by Jeremiah
Jamila Batori is voiced by Vanessa Haas
The RemoteManager Droid is voiced by Bunny
Dr. Gold is voiced by Thom Freitag
Manda Acterberg is voiced by Olivia Cottle
Angus Sparacello is voiced by AJ Garcia
Lynette Momoka is voiced by Rue Dickey

[S01E11] The Greatest Show Off Earth

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"The Carnivale di Vagabondi Stellari offers any entertainment a soul could desire. Wonders to delight the senses and baffle reason. One may see things here that are no where else in this universe.Like so many ventures in these precarious times, the Carnivale needs new investors. Sometimes, acquiring them just takes putting on a good show. Luckily, that's exactly what Alois Ilmater and their troupe do best.Read the script hereThe Cast
The Greatest Show Off Earth
Alois Ilmater is voiced by Emily Buza
Ramon is voiced by M. German
Buxley Bones is voiced by Zach Jaquays
Dr. Zed Wild is voiced by Vic Collins
Tiffany is voiced by Paige Alena
Vixy is voiced by Paige Alena
Archie is voiced by M. German
Elexa is voiced by Siobhan

[S01E12] I Walk These Hills

Written & Edited by Scott Paladin

"Jo Brand is dead and I am his memorial. I'm a reconstruction. My face is sourced from photos and video. My voice is a mimic, using recordings from life as a blueprint."There are Salvagers, and there are Vultures. One breaks down derelict ships for resale, one stands back and waits for ships in distress to become derelict. Which one was Josephine Brand? Only her ghost knows the real story.Read the script here.The Cast
The Ghost of Josephine Brand is voiced by Mere
Tess is voiced by Christine Tardiff
Maria is voiced by Mel Nichols

[S01E13] Advanced Readings in Theoretical Helioseismology

Written by Ash SeguinteEdited by Erik Seguinte

That's the kind of "interesting" that means "potentially catastrophic and largely unexpected" isn't it?The scientists on the Occulohelios Solar Research Station know that something big is coming. That the end of this 11 year solar cycle is going to bring with it a solar storm of unprecedented proportions, and effects that will echo through the System. They know, and the have the data to prove it. But catastrophe isn't marketable. And evacuation doesn't make sales. It's hard to convince people to prepare for a disaster, when the news is telling them it doesn't really exist.Read the script here.The Cast
Dr. Modu Page is voiced by Luca
Dr. Septimus Novak is voiced by M. German
Dr. Senja Reitfelt is voiced by Cam Clarke
Dr. Danielle Kotanesku is voiced by Christina McClaine
Dr. Markus Medina is voiced by Thom Freitag
Marina Wescott is voiced by Lilth
Felicity Fumero is voiced by Paige Alena
Newt Wiggan is voiced by David Luzader

[S01E14 & 15] We Interrupt This Program Parts 1 & 2

Written by Erika Kaiser, Ash Alder Ketcham Seguinte, & Scott Paladin

Good evening. Tonight, on the eve of a new century, the solar system finds itself on leading edge of a disturbance within our sun, the star on which all our worlds rely, which ties them together. A disturbance unlike any in recorded history. This is Felicity Fumero, Nova News Network, Redline U142, reporting from Rogers Station.Read Part 1 here.Read Part 2 here.The Cast
Newton Wiggin was voiced by David Luzader
Felicity Fumero was voiced by Paige Alena
The Voice of YuKon was voiced by JeremiahJamila Batori was voiced by Vanessa Haas
Angus Sparacello was voiced by AJ Garcia
Manda Acterberg was voiced by Olivia Cottle
Lynette Momoka was voiced by Rue Dickey
Bahram Atarah was voiced by Thomas Flemming
Vale was voiced by James Big
Alois Ilmater was voiced by Emily Buza
Buxley Bones was voiced by Zach Jaquays
Elexa was voiced by Siobhan
Gabriella “Gabs” Bishop was voiced by Erika Kaiser
Alex “Ace” Trelawney was voiced by M. German
Ishana Diaz was voiced by Izzy Trevellian
Jemma Falcano was voiced by Sarah
Veliny Ashgrove was voiced by Alyssa
Luna Beck was voiced by Shannon RobyYuri Arturoskin was voiced by Scott Paladin
Etianne Calsdottir was voiced by Christina McClaine
Viktor Kirstiskin was voiced by Vic Collins
Evie Yurisdottir was voiced by JeremiahAnse was voiced by Quill Turner
Gasto was voiced by Corvyn Appleby
Additional Voice work by Olivia Cottle, James, M German, Paige Alena, Von Mahady, and Scott Paladin


As the origin of all life in the System, Terra sees itself as the natural source of leadership for humanity. However, given the fact that Terra's many terrestrial governments do not agree about how that leadership should be structured, it seems unlikely that this will ever come to be.As likely to fight amongst themselves as against extra-terrestrial forces, Terra has yet to come together enough to address the many pressing environmental crises that plague it. A densely-populated planet, it is home to approximately 75% of humans, living in the ever-shrinking habitable land available between the rising oceans.No matter what they say about the planet publicly, most Belters, and many inhabitants of other planets view Terra as an almost paradisal place, and Terrans as soft and spoiled by its bounty.

The Belt
The Peregrination

The Belt

Referring generally to all non-planetary settlements in the system, the Belt is made up of a range of human-occupied spaces, including terraformed asteroids, habitat bubble communities, space stations, mining rigs, and all the various independent ships that travel between them.Fiercely insistent on individual autonomy and independent government, there is not a single authority in the Belt speaking for all its inhabitance. Though generally bound by the Ceres Accords, each community has the right to make and enforce their own system of laws.Despite, or perhaps because of, their almost fanatical need for self-determination, Belter culture hinges on voluntary collaboration, and the voluntary sharing of resources, labor, and information.

The Peregrination

The Peregrination

The Peregrination, or the Family, as they refer to themselves, is a tightly-knit, insular community of people living on large space ships, constantly at motion in the spaces between the stars and stations of the System.The survivors of a tragedy several generations prior that left them refugees, the Peregrinationals have turned their lack of a stable homeworld into a source of strength and community.Though they interact with the other governments of the System, they remain apart and outside from the struggles for power over both territory and resources that embroil Terra and the Belt.

The Belt